Permanenent Residency for Hungary

Permanent Residence for HUNGARY


  • Hungary provides business residence for all foreign investors on equal terms if they purchase real estate through their company and generate profit from utilizing this property.
  • Hungary is a full member of the European Union, and the residence permit issued by the Hungarian authorities is valid for the entire Schengen Area.

  • The applicant has to establish a company in Hungary that invests at least €180,000 in real estate generating business income via renting out the property. The director of the company with his/her family members is eligible for business residence in Hungary for 2 years initially.


  • Residency in an EU country
    • A residency permit in Hungary gives you the ability to live in Hungary year-round, and you will be able to freely move around the entire Schengen zone visa-free.
  • Gain resident status for your whole family
    • Together with the main applicant, members of his/her family (spouse and under-18 children) will receive residency.
  • An opportunity to live in the EU
    • Gaining residency in Hungary through business incorporation and then staying in the country allows you to receive permanent residency and then Hungarian citizenship in the future.
  • Receiving residency in this European Union country takes only 3 months.

Who can obtain resident status in Hungary?

  • The main applicant must be over 18
  • The spouse
  • Underage children of the main applicant

Conditions for receiving residency through company incorporation in Hungary

  • Establishing a company in Hungary
  • Purchase real estate in Hungary for a minimum of € 180,000
  • Obtaining the residency permit for you and your family

Are you interested in RESIDENCY PERMIT for HUNGARY?

  • Contact us for a Free Evaluation & Consultation to discuss detailed Application, Procedure, Documentation and Cost Estimate.
  • Call us on +91 8850318060
  • Obtain residency or citizenship in as little as 60-120 days**
  • Please send us an email: for a free brochure.
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Author: ianpadua

Ian Padua, a seasoned advertising professional with over 30 years of experience in Media Planning/Operations and Client Servicing, has successfully built an online business through his expertise and passion for digital marketing.

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