Greek Permanent Residence Card

Greek Permanent Residence Card


Greece is a beautiful country located in the southeastern part of Europe. With a rich history and culture, and stunning natural beauty, it’s no wonder that Greece is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. However, it’s not just tourists that Greece is attracting. The country is also becoming an increasingly popular destination for those looking to invest in real estate and secure permanent residency in the European Union.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the Greek Permanent Residency program and why it’s one of the most attractive residency by investment programs in Europe.

  • Minimum Investment Requirement: First and foremost, the minimum investment required for the Greek PR program is just €250,000, which is among the cheapest in Europe. This investment is made in the form of a real estate purchase, and unlike other residency by investment programs, it’s not a donation. Instead, you’re investing in a property that can give you good rental yield and capital appreciation.
  • Schengen Visa and Permanent Residency: One of the biggest advantages of the Greek PR program is that it’s also a Schengen Visa. This means that PR holders can travel to any Schengen country without a visa and enjoy visa-free travel throughout the entire region. The PR card is permanent, provided the applicant maintains ownership of the property forever. Every five years, the owner will be examined, but the process is simple, requiring only a valid title deed, health insurance, and resubmission of biometric data.
  • Benefits for Family: In addition to the investor, the PR card is also valid for the investor’s spouse and children under the age of 21. This makes the Greek PR program a great option for families who want to secure residency in the EU.
  • No Minimum Stay Requirement: One of the most attractive features of the Greek PR program is that there is no minimum stay requirement. This means that the investor does not have to spend a certain amount of time in Greece each year to maintain their residency status. In fact, the investor only needs to visit Greece once every five years to have their ownership examined. This makes the Greek PR program a great option for those who want to secure residency in the EU but do not want to be tied down to living in Greece full-time.
  • No Minimum Savings Account Requirement: Another important aspect of the Greek PR program is that there is no minimum savings account requirement. This means that the investor does not have to show proof of a certain amount of financial resources to be eligible for the program.
  • Flexibility to Sell Property: Finally, it’s important to note that the investor may sell the property and transfer it to another non-EU National, who in turn will also be eligible for PR. This makes the Greek PR program a flexible option for those who want to invest in real estate and secure residency in the EU.

In conclusion, the Greek Permanent Residency program offers a number of advantages for foreign investors looking to secure residency in the EU. With a low minimum investment requirement, a permanent PR card that is also a Schengen Visa, and no minimum stay or savings account requirements, the Greek PR program is one of the most attractive residency-by-investment programs in Europe.

Additionally, the property can be sold to another non-EU national, making it a flexible option for those who want to invest in real estate and secure residency in the EU. So, if you’re looking to secure residency in the EU and take advantage of all that Greece has to offer, the Greek PR program is definitely worth considering.

The Greek Permanent Residency (PR) Card offers a variety of benefits that make it a valuable investment opportunity. Here are a few of the key benefits:

  1. Great value: At just €250,000, the Greek PR program is one of the cheapest in Europe. Additionally, unlike other programs, the investment is not a donation, but rather an investment in a property, which can provide rental yield and capital appreciation.
  2. Visa-free Europe: With a Greek PR Card, you can travel to any country in the Schengen area without a visa. There’s no need to enter through Greece, and you can fly in from anywhere.
  3. Remote application: Greek PR investors can apply for the program remotely by signing a Power of Attorney with a local law firm in Greece or through a local Greek Consulate in the investor’s city. The investor and their dependents do not have to enter Greece during the application process.
  4. No need to stay in Greece: There’s no minimum stay requirement, and you only need to visit Greece once every 5 years.
  5. Strategic location: Greece is located at the crossroads of three continents and is well-connected to all global destinations.
  6. Naturally stunning: Greece is rich in natural beauty, from forests to mountains to pristine beaches.
  7. Smart investment: With growth picking up after a recession, property prices in Greece are at reasonable valuations, with the potential for promising rental yield and capital appreciation.
  8. Safe and secure: Greece has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe.
  9. Cradle of civilization: Greece has been a dominant force in arts, philosophy, medicine, architecture, and literature for thousands of years, and this legacy can still be seen and felt all over the world today.
  10. Great lifestyle: Greece offers great weather, delicious food, and friendly people, making it a destination of choice for over 32 million visitors every year.
  11. Health and education: Greek PR Cardholders have access to the excellent healthcare system in Greece and can also take advantage of the full and free Greek education system, from primary school to university.

Greek PR Card – A Gateway to a Better Life

  • Greece is one of the most beautiful and historic countries in Europe, known for its stunning scenery, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality. With the Greek Permanent Residency (PR) Card, you can make this incredible country your home and enjoy the benefits that come with it. In this blog post, we have looked at some of the additional benefits of holding a Greek PR Card, beyond the basic features of the program.

Right to Obtain Greek Citizenship

  • One of the biggest benefits of holding a Greek PR Card is that it opens up the door to obtaining Greek Citizenship. This is a significant advantage as it allows you to enjoy all the rights and privileges of being a citizen of a European Union country. Here are the eligibility criteria to obtain Greek Citizenship:
    1. Residency in Greece for 7 Consecutive Years: PR holders who have been residing in Greece for 7 consecutive years (180 days each year) are eligible to apply for Greek Citizenship. This provides the opportunity to fully integrate into the Greek community and to enjoy the country on a long-term basis.
    2. Children Born in Greece: A child born in Greece who is attending the A’ grade of elementary school is eligible to apply for Greek Citizenship. This provides the child with a solid foundation to grow up and thrive in Greece, and to become a fully integrated part of the Greek community.
    3. Children of PR Holders: A child whose parent(s) has completed 5 continuous years of stay in Greece prior to the child’s birth is eligible to apply for Greek Citizenship. This is a great opportunity for families to make Greece their long-term home and to secure a brighter future for their children.
    4. Children of Greek Citizens: An unmarried and minor child whose parents have acquired Greek citizenship is eligible to apply for Greek Citizenship. This is a great way to keep the family together and to ensure that the child has the same rights and privileges as their parents.
    5. Children Living in Greece: Children living in Greece who have successfully completed nine academic years (6 in elementary school and 3 in middle school) or 6 academic years of secondary education are eligible to apply for Greek Citizenship. This provides the opportunity for children to fully integrate into the Greek community and to access all the benefits that come with it.
    6. Transferring Primary PR to Children: Once the child is 24 years old, the parents can donate the property to the child. This way, the child becomes the primary PR holder, and the parents can maintain their PR under the provision of the law for parents. This is a great way for families to secure their long-term future in Greece and to pass on the benefits of PR to the next generation.


  • The Greek Permanent Residency (PR) Card provides a fantastic opportunity for foreign investors to make Greece their home and enjoy all the benefits that come with it. The program is one of the most versatile residency-by-investment programs in Europe, offering a range of options to suit different needs.
  • With the right to obtain Greek Citizenship and the opportunity to transfer the primary PR to children, it provides a solid foundation for families to secure their long-term future in Greece.
  • Whether you are looking to make a smart investment, enjoy the stunning scenery, or immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Greece, the Greek PR Card is the perfect choice. So why wait? Take the first step towards making Greece your home today!
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Author: ianpadua

Ian Padua, a seasoned advertising professional with over 30 years of experience in Media Planning/Operations and Client Servicing, has successfully built an online business through his expertise and passion for digital marketing.

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