Greek FAQ

FAQs for Ultimate Guide to Greek Permanent Residency

  • Greece offers an attractive opportunity for foreign investors through its Permanent Residency (PR) program.
  • The program allows individuals who invest a minimum of 250,000 Euros in Greek property to receive a PR for themselves and their family members.
  • In this blog post, we will discuss frequently asked questions about Greek Permanent Residency.


  • The Permanent Residency (PR) program in Greece is designed to be inclusive, offering individuals from all nationalities the opportunity to obtain residency by investing in Greek property.
  • This detailed note will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of who is eligible for the Greek PR program and the accompanying family members.
    1. Minimum Investment Requirement: To be eligible for the Greek PR program, individuals must make a minimum investment of 250,000 Euros in Greek property. This investment serves as the basis for obtaining permanent residency and opens the doors to a range of benefits and opportunities in Greece.
    2. Inclusive Program: The Greek PR program is intentionally designed to be inclusive, meaning it is open to individuals of all nationalities. Regardless of your country of origin or region, you have the opportunity to apply for permanent residency in Greece through this program. This inclusive approach ensures equal opportunities for individuals from around the world, fostering diversity and cultural exchange.
    3. Family Members: The Greek PR program recognizes the importance of family and allows for the inclusion of certain family members in the application process. The following family members can accompany the applicant:
      1. Spouse: The spouse of the applicant is eligible to be included in the application for permanent residency. This allows couples to enjoy the benefits of residency together and build a life in Greece.
      2. Children: Children under 21 years old are eligible to accompany the applicant. Additionally, in certain cases, the age limit can be extended up to 24 years old, providing flexibility for families with older children pursuing higher education or other opportunities in Greece.
      3. Parents: The parents of the applicant can also be included in the application for permanent residency. This provision recognizes the importance of family support and allows for the reunification of families in Greece.
    4. Flexibility and Freedom: The Greek PR program offers flexibility and freedom to individuals and families who wish to establish their presence in Greece. By obtaining permanent residency, you gain the right to live, work, and study in Greece without the need for additional visas or permits. This freedom of movement within Greece provides a sense of security and opens up opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • The Greek Permanent Residency (PR) program is an inclusive program that welcomes individuals from all nationalities who are interested in investing in Greek property. With a minimum investment of 250,000 Euros, individuals can secure permanent residency and enjoy the benefits and opportunities that Greece has to offer.
  • The program also allows for the inclusion of family members, such as spouses, children, and parents, providing an opportunity for families to build a life together in Greece.
  • By taking advantage of this program, you can establish your presence in Greece, experience its rich culture and history, and enjoy the many advantages of being a permanent resident in this beautiful Mediterranean country.


  • Obtaining Greek Permanent Residency through the investment program comes with long-term benefits. Once you have obtained PR status, it remains valid for life as long as the property remains in the name of the applicant. However, it is important to note that the PR card itself needs to be renewed every five years.
  • This detailed note will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the validity of Greek Permanent Residency and the simple renewal process.
    1. Validity of Permanent Residency: Once your application for Greek Permanent Residency is approved and the property is registered in your name, your PR status remains valid for life. This means that you and your family members can enjoy the benefits and rights associated with Greek PR indefinitely, as long as the property ownership is maintained.
    2. PR Card Renewal: Although the PR status is valid for life, the PR card itself needs to be renewed every five years. The PR card serves as official proof of your residency status in Greece and is required for various administrative and legal purposes. The renewal process is straightforward and ensures that your documentation remains up to date.
    3. Simple Renewal Process: The renewal process for the PR card is designed to be simple and hassle-free. When it’s time to renew your PR card, you will need to follow these steps:
      1. Certificate of Ownership: You will need to present a certificate of ownership for the property to confirm that it is still in your name. This certificate serves as evidence that you have maintained your investment and continue to meet the requirements of the PR program.
      2. Biometric Data Submission: As part of the renewal process, you will be required to submit your biometric data. This may involve visiting the designated government office to have your fingerprints and photograph taken. The biometric data ensures the accuracy and security of your PR card.
    4. Benefits of Regular Renewal: Renewing your PR card every five years is important to ensure the continuity of your residency status in Greece. The regular renewal allows you to maintain your legal status, enjoy the privileges and rights associated with PR, and continue to benefit from the opportunities available to permanent residents in Greece.
    5. Permanent Residency Security: By renewing your PR card, you demonstrate your commitment to maintaining your residency status in Greece. This provides a sense of security and stability, allowing you to continue living, working, and enjoying life in Greece without interruptions.
  • The Greek Permanent Residency obtained through the investment program is valid for life as long as the property remains in the name of the applicant. However, the PR card, which serves as official proof of residency, needs to be renewed every five years.
  • The renewal process is straightforward and requires the submission of a certificate of ownership and biometric data. By keeping your PR card up to date, you ensure the continuity of your residency status and the associated benefits.
  • So, take advantage of the Greek Permanent Residency program, secure your PR status, and enjoy the opportunities and advantages that come with being a permanent resident in Greece.


  • Renewing your Greek Permanent Residency (PR) card is an essential step to maintain the validity of your residency status. The renewal process ensures that your documentation is up to date and that you continue to enjoy the benefits and privileges of being a permanent resident in Greece.
  • This detailed note will guide you through the straightforward renewal process, which involves presenting a certificate of ownership and submitting biometric data.
    1. Frequency of Renewal: The PR card renewal process is required once every five years. It is important to mark your calendar and ensure that you initiate the renewal process in a timely manner to avoid any gaps in your residency status. Gather the Required Documents: To begin the PR card renewal process, you will need to gather the necessary documents. The two main documents required for renewal are:
      1. Certificate of Ownership: You will need to present a certificate of ownership that verifies your continued ownership of the property. This document serves as proof that you still meet the investment requirements of the Greek Permanent Residency program.
      2. Biometric Data: As part of the renewal process, you will be required to submit your biometric data. This typically involves providing your fingerprints and having your photograph taken. Biometric data ensures the accuracy and security of your PR card.
    1. Visit the Designated Government Office: Once you have gathered the required documents, you will need to visit the designated government office responsible for PR card renewals. This office is typically the Civil Registry and Migration Department or a related government agency.
    2. Submit the Documents: At the government office, you will need to submit the certificate of ownership along with any other required supporting documents. Ensure that you have all the necessary paperwork organized and ready for submission to streamline the process.
    3. Biometric Data Submission: During your visit to the government office, you will be asked to provide your biometric data. This involves having your fingerprints taken and a photograph captured. The biometric data helps verify your identity and ensures the integrity of the PR card.
    4. Application Review and Approval: Once you have submitted the necessary documents and your biometric data, the government office will review your application for PR card renewal. The review process typically takes a few weeks to ensure accuracy and compliance with the program requirements.
    5. Receive Renewed PR Card: Upon successful completion of the renewal process, you will receive your renewed PR card. This card serves as official proof of your residency status in Greece and is essential for various administrative and legal purposes.
    6. Maintain Updated Records: After receiving your renewed PR card, it is important to keep it in a secure place and update your records accordingly. Ensure that your PR card is readily accessible whenever required, and inform relevant authorities of any changes in your contact information.
  • The PR card renewal process for Greek Permanent Residency is straightforward and simple. It involves presenting a certificate of ownership to verify property ownership and submitting biometric data.
  • This process is required every five years to ensure the validity of your PR card and maintain your residency status. By following the steps outlined above and keeping track of renewal deadlines, you can ensure a smooth and efficient renewal process.
  • So, stay on top of your PR card renewals, keep your documentation up to date, and continue to enjoy the benefits of being a permanent resident in Greece.


  • If you are considering applying for the Greek Permanent Residency (PR) program, you may be wondering how long it takes to receive your PR status. The processing time for PR applications can vary depending on the location of the property you have invested in. This detailed note will provide you with an overview of the expected processing times in different popular destinations in Greece.
    1. Chania, Crete: If you have invested in a property located in Chania, Crete, you may be pleased to know that the processing time for PR applications is relatively fast. In this region, applicants can expect to receive their PR status in as little as 10 days from the day of receiving the title deed. This expedited processing time allows applicants to quickly obtain their PR and start enjoying the benefits of residency in Greece.
    2. Santorini, Paros, and Athens: In other popular destinations such as Santorini, Paros, and Athens, the processing time for PR applications is slightly longer but still relatively efficient. Applicants who have invested in properties in these areas can expect to receive their PR status within approximately 3 months from the date of receiving the title deed. This timeframe includes the processing and verification of all necessary documentation to ensure compliance with the program requirements.
  • It’s important to note that the processing times provided are estimates based on typical scenarios. Factors such as the volume of applications, the complexity of individual cases, and any unforeseen circumstances may impact the actual processing time. It is advisable to consult with a qualified immigration professional or the relevant authorities for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding processing times.
  • Tips for Expedited Processing:
  • While the processing times outlined above provide a general idea, there are steps you can take to expedite the PR application process and ensure a smooth experience:
    1. Prepare Documentation in Advance: To avoid any delays, gather and organize all the required documentation before initiating the application process. This includes proof of property ownership, financial documents, and any other supporting materials required for the PR application.
    2. Seek Professional Assistance: Consider engaging the services of a qualified immigration professional who specializes in Greek PR applications. They can guide you through the process, help you complete the necessary paperwork accurately, and ensure compliance with all program requirements.
    3. Follow Instructions Carefully: Pay close attention to the instructions provided by the Civil Registry and Migration Department or the designated government agency responsible for PR applications. Ensure that you submit all required documents and provide accurate information to avoid any processing delays.
    4. Stay Updated and Communicate: Regularly check for updates or changes in the application process and requirements. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to the relevant authorities or your immigration professional for clarification.
  • The processing time to receive Greek Permanent Residency can vary depending on the location of the property. In Chania, Crete, PR can be obtained in as little as 10 days from the day of receiving the title deed.
  • In other popular destinations like Santorini, Paros, and Athens, the processing time is approximately 3 months from the date of receiving the title deed.
  • By following the tips mentioned above and ensuring that all documentation is prepared and submitted accurately, you can expedite the process and receive your PR status in a timely manner.


  • The Greek Permanent Residency program offers a unique opportunity for foreign investors to invest in Greek property and receive PR for themselves and their families.
  • The PR is valid for life, but the card needs to be renewed every 5 years through a simple renewal process.
  • The time required to receive PR varies depending on the location of the property, but it can be received in as little as 10 days in Chania, Crete, and within 3 months in popular destinations like Santorini, Paros, and Athens.

Author: ianpadua

Ian Padua, a seasoned advertising professional with over 30 years of experience in Media Planning/Operations and Client Servicing, has successfully built an online business through his expertise and passion for digital marketing.

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