Greece Permanent Residency Through Real Estate Investment

Greece Permanent Residency Through Real Estate Investment

  • Greece is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and it’s easy to see why. With its beautiful beaches, historic landmarks, and rich cultural heritage, it’s no surprise that many people are interested in making Greece their permanent home. And now, with the new law on the stay of foreigners in Greece (4251/2014), obtaining permanent residency in Greece has become even easier for citizens of third countries. By investing in real estate, individuals can get a 5-year permanent residency in Greece.
  • The process of obtaining permanent residency through real estate investment is straightforward. To be eligible, you must purchase real estate in Greece with a total value of at least €250,000. The property can be a single investment object or multiple investment objects, and the value of the properties can be combined to reach the minimum investment requirement. This flexibility gives applicants the opportunity to increase the liquidity of their investments.
  • Once you have made the investment in real estate, you will be eligible to apply for permanent residency. The application process will involve submitting the necessary documentation and going through the necessary background checks to ensure that you are eligible for residency. You will also need to provide proof of your investment in real estate, such as a copy of the sales agreement or transfer of ownership documents.
  • One of the benefits of obtaining permanent residency in Greece through real estate investment is that it’s a relatively quick process. In many cases, the residency can be obtained within a matter of months, making it an attractive option for those who are looking to relocate quickly. Furthermore, the 5-year residency can be renewed after the initial period has expired, providing a long-term solution for those who want to make Greece their permanent home.
  • Another advantage of obtaining permanent residency through real estate investment in Greece is that it provides applicants with a range of benefits. For example, once you have permanent residency, you will have the right to live, work, and study in Greece. You will also have access to the country’s social security system and the right to vote in local elections. Additionally, if you wish to travel within the Schengen Area, you will be able to do so without the need for a visa.
  • In conclusion, obtaining permanent residency in Greece through real estate investment is a unique and attractive opportunity for citizens of third countries. With its beautiful scenery, rich cultural heritage, and excellent living standards, Greece is an ideal destination for those who are looking for a new home. And with the new law on the stay of foreigners in Greece, obtaining permanent residency has become even easier for those who are willing to invest in the country’s real estate market. Whether you’re looking for a place to retire or simply want to experience the best that Greece has to offer, obtaining permanent residency in Greece through real estate investment is a great option to consider.
greece offer

Advantages of Permanent Residence in Greece Through Real Estate

  • Greece, known for its rich history, stunning beaches, and gorgeous islands, is a popular tourist destination that attracts millions of visitors every year. However, did you know that you can make this breathtaking country your permanent home through a real estate investment? Yes, that’s right! The Greek government has made it possible for foreign citizens to obtain a 5-year permanent residence in Greece through a real estate investment.
  • The new law on the stay of foreigners in Greece (4251/2014) introduced the opportunity for citizens of third countries to get permanent residence in Greece by investing in real estate. The total value of the investment must be at least €250,000. The Greek permanent residence permit program is an attractive opportunity for those looking for a second residency or citizenship by investment.

Advantages of Permanent Residence in Greece by Investing in Real Estate

  1. Visa-free Travel or Visa-free Travel or Stays in Europe: One of the key advantages of obtaining permanent residency in Greece is that you and your family will have the right to reside in Greece for an unlimited time and enjoy visa-free travel in Schengen countries. This means that you can travel to any of the 26 Schengen countries, which covers most of the European Union, without the need for a visa.
  2. Your Whole Family will Immediately Get Permanent Residence for 5 Years: For one investment in Greek real estate, the investor’s spouse, children under 21, and parents can receive permanent residence for the same period as the main investor. This means that your entire family can benefit from the opportunities that come with permanent residency in Greece, such as access to high-quality medical services and education.
  3. No Requirement to Live in Greece: There is no obligation to spend a certain amount of time in Greece. This means that you can choose to live in Greece full-time, part-time, or not at all. If you have a property in Greece, you can rent it out and receive additional income. This provides a great opportunity for those who want to invest in real estate but are not ready to commit to living in Greece full-time.
  4. Education and Healthcare to a European Standard: Having permanent residence in Greece allows you to use high-quality medical services, and your children can attend schools and universities in Greece. The country has a long-standing tradition of quality education, and its universities are recognized worldwide for their academic standards.

The Most Advantageous Program in Europe for Obtaining a Permanent Residence by Investing in Real Estate

  • Greece’s permanent residence program is one of the most advantageous programs in Europe for obtaining permanent residence by investing in real estate. With a low minimum investment threshold of €250,000, the program offers an attractive opportunity for those looking to obtain a second residency in Europe.
  • In conclusion, the Greek permanent residence permit program offers a unique opportunity for foreign citizens to make Greece their permanent home through a real estate investment. With visa-free travel in Europe, the ability to bring your family with you, no requirement to live in Greece, and access to high-quality medical services and education, the program is a great option for those looking to invest in real estate and obtain permanent residency in Europe.
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Author: ianpadua

Ian Padua, a seasoned advertising professional with over 30 years of experience in Media Planning/Operations and Client Servicing, has successfully built an online business through his expertise and passion for digital marketing.

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