Permanent Residence for UAE

Permanent Residence for UAE

Permanent Residence for United Arab Emirates (UAE) By Business Incorporation

  • Living in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an experience like no other.
  • Home to a wide range of nationalities, a nightlife to rival London and New York, and absolutely zero income tax, the Gulf nation has plenty to offer.
  • The easiest way to obtain UAE residency is by company incorporation in the Emirates and a license to do business in the UAE.


  • Tax residency
    • The UAE is a “tax haven”. It imposes no taxes on tax residents and businesses
  • Residency for your whole family
    • Residency is issued for 3 years right off. Together with the main applicant, residency is extended also to family members: the applicant’s spouse and children under 18
  • No requirements to live there
    • UAE residency does not oblige you to permanently stay in the Emirates, nor do you have to conduct company business
  • The ability to open bank accounts and buy real estate
    • Holders of UAE residency can buy real estate in Dubai and other cities, as well as confidentially open bank accounts in reliable global banks
Note: UAE residency through registering a company is the easiest and most widely accessible form of residency.
Residency for UAE By Business Incorporation - Advantages of UAE Residency
Residency for UAE By Business Incorporation – Advantages of UAE Residency


  • Residency in the UAE can be obtained on the basis of having a business in the UAE, i.e. a company registered in the UAE in the name of the applicant(s) and having a license to do business inside the UAE.
    • Commercial
    • Services
    • General Trading
  • The most widespread license category for a legal entity for those who want to obtain UAE residency is General Trading, as only this license is set up to offer residency to company owners in a number up to 3 persons.
  • Often people wanting to obtain UAE residency are guided only by this criterion, and they don’t think about the activity that their registered legal entity will actually carry out.
  • Making the right choice of license for the registered legal entity, so that you can ensure you keep your residency and can-do business without problems, should be your first concern with registering a company.

Costs to register a company in order to obtain RESIDENCY IN THE UAE BY BUSINESS INCORPORATION

  • COMMERCIAL license for up to 3 kinds of goods TOTAL: € 20,450 extensions starting from year 2 € 8,450
    • Cost of registration, virtual office, obtaining a license, administrative services € 9,950
    • Fee for a residency visa, medical certificate, Emirates ID € 5,500
    • Professional consultant services € 5,000 2 visas are included, additional visas for all dependents possible
Residency for UAE By Business Incorporation - Commercial License Cost
Residency for UAE By Business Incorporation – Commercial License Cost
  • CONSULTING (services) license up to 2 kinds of services TOTAL: € 20,450 extensions starting from year 2 € 8,450
    • Cost of registration, virtual office, obtaining a license, administrative services € 9,950
    • Fee for a residency visa, medical certificate, and Emirates ID € 5,500
    • Professional consultant services € 5,000 2 visas are included, additional visas for all dependents possible
Residency for UAE By Business Incorporation - Consulting License Cost
Residency for UAE By Business Incorporation – Consulting License Cost
  • GENERAL TRADING license an unlimited number of kinds of goods TOTAL: € 22,450 extensions starting from year 2 € 10,450
    • Cost of registration, virtual office, obtaining a license, administrative services € 11,950
    • Fee for a residency visa, medical certificate, and Emirates ID € 5,500
    • Professional consultant services € 5,000
    • 3 visas are included, and additional visas for all dependents are possible
Residency for UAE By Business Incorporation - General Trading License Cost
Residency for UAE By Business Incorporation – General Trading License Cost


  • A copy of your passport (which must be valid for at least six more months from the time you submit your documents for a visa)
  • A copy of previous UAE visas (if any)
  • A utility bill no older than 6 months
  • A passport photo with a white background
  • The full names of your parents
  • Your address in your country of residence
  • Your address in UAE(if any)
  • Your contact details(e-mail and telephone number)
  • A resume setting out your experience (only for services/consulting license)

Who can obtain UAE resident status?


Steps in registering a company and obtaining resident status

  • The client provides all necessary documents and details
  • Our experts prepare the registration forms for the client to sign
  • The client signs the registration forms and sends them to us by courier so that we can submit a set of documents for registering the company
  • The company is registered (takes up to 3 days)
  • The client submits the documents for obtaining an immigration card and visa (Entry Permit)
  • A decision is awaited on obtaining an immigration card and visa (Entry Permit), which takes 15–20 days
  • The client receives a copy of the visa, while the UAE border officials at the arrival airport receive the original of the client’s visa
  • Arrival in the UAE to:
    • Have the visa inserted into your passport;
    • Undergo a medical examination in order to receive a certificate of health;
    • Submit documents for the Emirates ID.
Residency for UAE By Business Incorporation - Steps Registering Company & Obtaining Residence Status
Residency for UAE By Business Incorporation – Steps Registering Company & Obtaining Residence Status


  • The Entry Permit is valid only for 60 days from issue, and to receive UAE residency you must travel to the UAE while the Entry Permit is still valid.
  • For your visit to the UAE, you must schedule at least 5 working days.
  • To retain your residency, you must visit the UAE at least once every 180 days.
  • Residency is issued for three years right off.
  • To retain your resident status, your company’s registration must be renewed on an annual basis.

Are you interested in a UAE residence permit?

Get in touch with Corneredge!

  • Transparent pricing and no imposed extra fees
  • Service and support before and after you obtain residency
  • Help in getting settled, tax and financial consultation
  • Over 3 years of experience in the field of immigration services and tax planning
  • Contact us for a Free Evaluation & Consultation to discuss detailed Application, Procedure, Documentation and Cost Estimate.
  • Call us on +91 8850318060
  • Obtain residency or citizenship in as little as 60-120 days**
  • Please send us an email: for a free brochure.
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Disclaimer: The communication herein is intended to convey general information only and not to provide legal advice or opinions. It should not be construed as, and should not be relied upon for, legal or tax advice in any particular circumstance or fact situation. The facts stated may not reflect the most current legal developments. No action should be taken in reliance on the information herein. Qualified legal practitioners should be contacted for professional legal advice on specific issues.
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Author: ianpadua

Ian Padua, a seasoned advertising professional with over 30 years of experience in Media Planning/Operations and Client Servicing, has successfully built an online business through his expertise and passion for digital marketing.

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